tag: “catholic theology”
The Rivers North of the Future: The Testament of Ivan Illich [Book] Goodreads
author: David Cayley / Charles Margrave Taylor House of Anansi Press 2005 - 3
In this provocative new book, respected Canadian journalist David Cayley compiles and reflects upon the thoughts of Ivan Illich, one of the 20th century's most visionary cultural critics. Illich believed that the West could only be understood as a corruption of the Christian New Testament. Cayley presents Illich's exploration of this idea, illuminating Illich's thoughts on the criminalization of sin, on how the Church has become a template for the modern nation-state, and how contemporary society has become a congealed and corrupted Christianity. These critiques are as timely and valuable as Illich's prescription for fixing them.
Aspects of Buddhism [Book] Goodreads
author: Henri de Lubac Hassell Street Press 2021 - 9
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.

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Hymn of the Universe [Book] Goodreads
author: Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Harpercollins College Div 1969 - 1
This book is perhaps the work of Pierre Teilhard's that stands alone in that it contains almost no scientific treatises. It is mainly a poetic/spiritual testament to the world of spirit in matter. It envisions Christ as the heart of the universe, in the heart of matter.
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