tag: “truth and meaning”
The Frege Reader [Book] Goodreads
author: Gottlob Frege / Michael Beaney Blackwell Publishing 1997 - 7
This is the first single-volume edition and translation of Frege's philosophical writings to include all of his seminal papers and substantial selections from all three of his major works. It is intended to provide the essential primary texts for students of logic, metaphysics and philosophy of language.

It contains, in particular, Frege's four essays 'Function and Concept', 'On Sinn and Bedeutung', 'On Concept and Object' and 'Thought', and new translations of key parts of the Begriffschrift , Grundlagen and Grundgesetze . Additional selections have also been made from his Collected Papers , Posthumous Writings and Correspondence . The editor's introduction provides an overview of the development and significance of Frege's philosophy, highlighting some of the main issues of interpretation. Footnotes, appendices and other editorial material have been supplied to facilitate understanding of the works of one of the central figures in modern philosophy.
Thought and Reality [Book] Goodreads
author: Michael Dummett Oxford University Press, USA 2006 - 12
In this short, lucid, rich book, Sir Michael Dummett, perhaps the most eminent living British philosopher, sets out his views about some of the deepest questions in philosophy. The fundamental question of metaphysics what does reality consist of? Dummett puts forward his controversial view of reality as there may be no fact of the matter about whether an object does or does not have a given property.
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