Chaos and Complexity: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action Vol.2

Chaos and Complexity: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action Vol.2

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ISBN: 9780268008123
author: Robert John Russell / Nancey Murphy / Arthur R. Peacocke
book format: Paperback
publishing house: The Vatican Observatory
publication date: 1996 -12
series: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action
language: English
binding: Paperback
number of pages: 416

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Robert John Russell / Nancey Murphy   


This collection of fifteen research papers explores the implications of chaos and complexity in physical, chemical, and biological systems for philosophical and theological issues regarding God's action in the world. It resulted from the second of five international research conferences being co-sponsored by the Vatican Observatory, Rome, and the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences, Berkeley. The overarching goal is to contribute to constructive theology as it engages current research in the natural sciences and to investigate the philosophical and theological elements in ongoing theoretical research in the natural sciences.
