tag: “art criticism”
Pretexts: Reflections on Literature and Morality [Book] Goodreads
author: André Gide Routledge 2010 - 10
Most of Andre Gide's richly-varied literary output has long been available to American readers. Only one aspect of his protean career has been lacking in the essays, the publication of which will go far to explain why Gide holds in France such high rank as a critic. Many of the essays in Reflections on Literature and Morality were provoked by events in the cultural and political world of twentieth-century France, a turbulent setting that produced a lasting literature. These essays are vintage Gide, informed by his characteristic spirit―his hard brilliance, pointed honesty, and the enduring relevance of his concerns. Readers of his Journals will be prepared for the style, intelligence, and marksmanship that Gide brings to bear in these forty-two articles on life as well as on letters. His range, as always, is a long and moving memoir of his encounters with Oscar Wilde; a series of combats against reactionary nationalists and self-appointed purifiers of morals; estimates of Mallarme, Baudelaire, Proust, Gautier, and Valery, among others; letters to Jacques Riviere, Jean Cocteau, and Francis Jammes; and general essays on art, literature, the theater, and politics. Justin O'Brien, famous for his studies in modern French literature, has written that Gide is "related to La Fontaine and Racine by his essential conciseness and crystalline style, to Montaigne and Goethe by his inquiring mind which reconciled unrest and serenity, to Baudelaire by his lucid, prophetic criticism." O'Brien, who has done so much to bring contemporary French literature to America, supervised the translations in Reflections on Literature and Morality , prepared several of them himself, and contributes an informative general introduction and additional commentary to preface the various sections of this major book.
日常生活颂歌 [Book] Douban
Éloge du quotidien: Essai sur la peinture hollandaise du XVIIe siècle
author: 茨维坦·托多罗夫 Tzvetan Todorov translator: 曹丹红 华东师范大学出版社 2012 - 10
That Mighty Sculptor, Time [Book] Goodreads
author: Marguerite Yourcenar Farrar, Straus and Giroux 1993 - 5
This posthumously published collection of essays takes up such diverse subjects as the poet Oppian, Tantrism, the feasts of the Christian year, Durer, the Japanese studies of Ivan Morris, the erotic mysticism of the Gita-Govinda, the eternal spirit of Andalusia, and Bede's Ecclesiastical History. The title esay consider's time's transforming effect on arrt, meditating on the erosion of a statue and the resulting production of a new, sublime work of art.
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