Signing up
Consult the server rules and the terms of service before registering. Sign up with this link.
The server owner can be reached by the means listed here.
Please consider supporting the original developers.
Why this instance?
- This instance doesn't welcome contents related to lifestyle and popular culture.
- This instance welcomes learning: philosophy, religion, logic, mathematics, sciences, music, fine art, architecture, literature, anthropology... are welcome.
- This instance isn't and will not be cloudflared.
- No stupid rounded corners, circles, transitions, animations, and shadows. Smaller font size.
Guides and Tricks
See the lib.itmens guides and tricks page for markdown references, mathjax rendering, and more tricks such as blocking cross-site cookies without affecting functionalities.
The original source of the neodb software is given here.
In accordance with the rules imposed by the AGPL v3 licence the modified source of this instance is given here.